The Hash Table Size of RaptARU of ERS8600

    Recently, a message repeats continuously on ERS8600 (aka Passport 8600 )in a customer's site. The message is listed below and I would like to note the explanation here.

CPU5 [08/20/08 04:46:36] HW INFO rarCheckConsistency: Record size 380 in hash bin 0x00018ef9 Next threshold 390


This is a system log entry for troubleshooting purposes basically to allow you to keep track

of the size of the HASH table of the RaptARU.

Each time the hash table increases by 10 a new threshold will be breached and the entry will

be reported in the syslog. The Hash table is used to increase the speed of searching the

forwarding table of the RaptARU. Rather than searching the entire forwarding table

from to top to bottom for an entry which is very slow. To improve the process, entries in

the RaptARU are ordered in buckets. Each bucket will hold a particular type of records

(ARP,MAC or route entry) with the physical entries in the bucket being similar i.e. in the

case of MAC addresses the bucket will contain a sequential list of MAC addresses. The hash table

holds a list of pointers which are basically the first entry in the bucket, therefore searching

the smaller hash table will allow you to find the bucket and from the bucket the actual entry.

Therefore the log messages simply mean you could have a number of non-sequential MAC addresses and

therefore require a bigger Hash table.

The message is expected under normal operating conditions and is only becomes a cause for concern if

the Hash bins continue to grow at a rapid rate over a sustained period.

If the Hash bins do continue to grow, then it could be an issue with the network or switches config,

whereby you are learning too many ARP, MAC or route entries.


    Check the hardware record on ERS8600 and modify it if the number of MAC address excesses 

hardware record reservation. For route entries, we can simplify routing in a LAN. 

How to Verify the hardware records:

ERS-8610.2:5# show sys record-reservation


                         HW Record Reservation


Record Type       Used Reserved New-Reserved Def-Reserved


filter               2     4096         4096         4096

ipmc                21      500          500          500

local               51     2000         2000         2000

mac               1514     2000         2000         2000

static-route         1      200          200          200

vrrp                24      500          500          500


TOTAL             1613     9296         9296         9296

How to change the reserved records: 

ERS-8610.2:5# config sys set record-reservation ?


Current Context:

    filter <value>


    ipmc <value>

    local <value>

    mac <value>

    static-route <value>

    vrrp <value>

Note: A reboot is needed after we change the record.

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  1. David Says:

    Hi Dophi, i know your blog since some time ago, just wanted to say you are doing an excellent job.
    I work with Nortel devices too( mostly Passport 8100 y 8600 , also 5510, bos, etc) , so your blog is very helpful with myuy job.
    I have some questions i would like to ask you, so let me know if i can get in touch with you.


  2. Dophi Says:

    Hi David

    Sorry for the late reply. You can either post questions on this blog or e-mail to me.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Hi Dolhi,

    An Quick question

    How to resolve this error:

    HW Error rarcheckRaptAruHashtable:
    Inconsistency at OPID=15 HashtableIndex=0c2d3 Sys=0400194b Aru=0000194b 0000194b 0000194b

  4. Dophi Says:

    This might be the error of hash table. The "OPID = 15" indicates the module on slot 2 probably has an issue and makes the hash table incorrect.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Hi dophi,

    The Error showing for all the OPID below (everyday).

    how to resolve ? could you please throw somelight on this?

    CPU5 [01/08/10 08:55:58] HW ERROR rarCheckRaptAruHashTable: Inconsistency at OpI
    d=15 HashTableIndex=1ef88 Sys=04001030 Aru=00001030 00001030 00001030
    CPU5 [01/08/10 08:55:57] HW ERROR rarCheckRaptAruHashTable: Inconsistency at OpI
    d=14 HashTableIndex=1ef88 Sys=04001030 Aru=00001030 00001030 00001030
    CPU5 [01/08/10 08:55:56] HW ERROR rarCheckRaptAruHashTable: Inconsistency at OpI
    d=13 HashTableIndex=1ef88 Sys=04001030 Aru=00001030 00001030 00001030
    CPU5 [01/08/10 08:55:56] HW ERROR rarCheckRaptAruHashTable: Inconsistency at OpI
    d=12 HashTableIndex=1ef88 Sys=04001030 Aru=00001030 00001030 00001030
    CPU5 [01/08/10 08:55:55] HW ERROR rarCheckRaptAruHashTable: Inconsistency at OpI
    d=11 HashTableIndex=1ef88 Sys=04001030 Aru=00001030 00001030 00001030
    CPU5 [01/08/10 08:55:54] HW ERROR rarCheckRaptAruHashTable: Inconsistency at OpI
    d=10 HashTableIndex=1ef88 Sys=04001030 Aru=00001030 00001030 00001030
    CPU5 [01/08/10 08:55:54] HW ERROR rarCheckRaptAruHashTable: Inconsistency at OpI
    d=9 HashTableIndex=1ef88 Sys=04001030 Aru=00001030 00001030 00001030
    CPU5 [01/08/10 08:55:53] HW ERROR rarCheckRaptAruHashTable: Inconsistency at OpI
    d=8 HashTableIndex=1ef88 Sys=04001030 Aru=00001030 00001030 00001030


  6. Dophi Says:

    Hi Andy

    The OPID from 8 to 15 belong to slot 2. I don't know what kind of module you use in slot 2. But, probably, that module or slot is the root cause of this issue. Maybe you can remove the module temporally and take a look of logs. Hopefully the logs will not continue appearing.


  7. Anonymous Says:

    We use fiber module on slot 2.
    Model 8608SX - 8 port

    First 3 slots with fiber module.

  8. Anonymous Says:

    exactly this one.

    DS1404003 Passport 8608SX 8-port 1000BASE-SX Gigabit Ethernet Routing Switch module (SC)


  9. Anonymous Says:

    CPU5 [04/07/10 06:19:44] HW WARNING HwCheck: Continuous tmux history error, Reset tmux on slot 1